Back By Popular Demand

Back by popular demand are FIVE of your favorite things!

The Dragon Hanger, Phoenix Hanger, Dragon Gong Bell, Fertility Elephant Bell, and New Job Gift Set have all returned to stock.

Now that the Dragon Hanger is back, you can use it to help you control situations and your own life, especially economic issues. You can find it on the Zen Appeal Feng Shui Hanger page .

Since the Phoenix Hanger is back, you can use it to help you change your luck from bad to good and network with important people. You can find it on the Zen Appeal Feng Shui Hanger page .

Because the Dragon Gong Bell is back, you can use it to help you meditate, clear your space and call in the energy you need. You can find it on the Zen Appeal Feng Shui Bells page .

The Fertility Elephant Bell is back, you can use it to help you have a safe and healthy pregnancy. You can find it on the Zen Appeal Feng Shui Fertility page .

And the New Job Gift Set is back, you can use it to help you get a job, keep a job, or get a promotion or raise. You can find it on the Zen Appeal Feng Shui Gift Set page .

Welcome Back!


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