New Feng Shui Tip of the Month

Feng Shui Protection Magnet from Zen Appeal
Protection Magnet from Zen Appeal

Feng Shui Consultants of Boca Raton and Zen Appeal have added October's Feng Shui Tip of the Month. Please visit to read it and find out how to find Nineteen Feng Shui Gifts for Nineteen Dollars and under. During economically challenging times like these, finding unique and personal gifts can still be achieved. This article tells you how you can find the right, budget affordable, Feng Shui Gift for every person on your shopping list. Here's the beginning of the article, to get you started: We are all experiencing tough economic times and are concerned about spending money. At the same time we know it is the holiday season and we want to find a way to give meaningful gifts to our friends and loved ones, gifts that help spread around some good Feng Shui energy. Please visit to read the rest of the Feng Shui article.


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